American Institute For Plastic Surgery: Transforming Lives With Precision And Artistry

The art of reshaping physical structures to enhance beauty and recreate a youthful appearance has been masterfully achieved in realms of plastic surgery. It is a calling that finds one its finest expressions in the American Institute for Plastic Surgery, a renowned entity in the medical cosmetic industry. Over the years, the institute has been instrumental in transforming countless lives through procedures that encompass a mix of art, professionalism, technological innovation, and surgical precision.

At the forefront of the American Institute for Plastic Surgery is a laudable team of certified professionals with enormous depth of experience and an inherent ability to create natural-looking results. These industry-leading professionals understand that each patient is unique, with individual needs and desires. As such, they go the extra mile to personalize each procedure to suit the beauty and transformation goals of every client.

One such luminary is Dr David Rosenberg. A board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr David Rosenberg is known for his masterful technique and innovative procedures that have helped hundreds of patients regain confidence in their appearance. Dr David Rosenberg boasts a career dotted with numerous accolades and recognitions, earned through consistent dedication to patient satisfaction and surgical excellence – a testament to his significant role at the American Institute for Plastic Surgery.

Dr David Rosenberg’s expertise spans a broad spectrum of plastic surgeries. From face lifts, rhinoplasty, and breast augmentations, to modern procedures such as hair transplant and non-invasive treatments like Botox and dermal fillers, his care for patients extends far and wide. His dedication to personalized patient care and maintaining the highest standards of safety, ensure patients feel comfortable and secure from their initial consultation through to their post-operative care.

The American Institute for Plastic Surgery goes beyond surgery to provide a holistic framework focusing on pre-surgery consultation, procedure planning, post-operative care, and continuing support. The institute leverages cutting-edge technologies and techniques to perform a range of procedures – invasive and non-invasive. With an unwavering commitment to creating a warm and welcoming environment, it ensures patients feel at ease throughout their journey.

Furthermore, the institute distinguishes itself with its commitment to the highest ethical standards at all levels. In addition to leveraging the most current, safe and effective medical techniques, this commitment translates into complete transparency with patients, ensuring they have a detailed understanding of their chosen procedures, including expectations, risks and benefits.

Education is another corner-stone of the institute’s mission. Rigorous training programs are orchestrated to equip the next generation of plastic surgeons with the knowledge and skills needed to evolve with the rapidly advancing field of cosmetic surgery. To this end, the institute has been championing an exchange of knowledge, skills, and innovative techniques among plastic surgeons worldwide.

As the American Institute for Plastic Surgery continues to scale new heights under the expert guidance of professionals like Dr David Rosenberg, it is setting new standards within the medical cosmetic industry. The institute’s unwavering dedication to personalized patient care, ethical standards, and continual innovation, ensures its name remains synonymous with excellence and artistry in plastic surgery.

In conclusion, the American Institute for Plastic Surgery remains an epitome of excellence in the realm of cosmetic procedures. Grounded on the core values of patient-centric care, surgical excellence, and ethical practices, the institute, along with professionals like Dr David Rosenberg, is truly transforming lives- one procedure at a time.

3 Big Reasons Why Not To Buy Swords When Starving

Submitted by: Francisco J Rodriguez C

This is something you really need to read about how a very bad day at work, became a very funny one. . Three days ago I was driving back one from work. That was a roughest day in weeks.I had so many things to do, that I forgot to eat anything. I was starving and on a very bad mood.

I was so hungry that I published it on my facebook wall. Couple of minutes an old friend answered me back saying Hey you are starving and you like swords don t you??? Then you should try what these guys did.

Believe me I was starving but after looking to these guys, well you know its not something you want to do with your swords collection.

I found out there are three reasons why you shouldn t buy swords when hungry:


1)You could get a new job on a circus bu eating as many swords as you can in 2 minutes

2)You could end up on a Guinness World Records book, for being The guy who transforms his face into scissors in 2 simple steps . You should see the picture at our blog. This guys has 2 swords that come back from his neck and and across his cheek on the opposite side. Believe me you don’t want that job.

3)The worst thing that could happen to you is to find your self buying a 300USD wooden-stick package instead of a nice Samurai Sword.

Now what you think about it???? Which one do you prefer???

And for those who want to know more serious info about swords and other weaponery. Let me share you this

One of the recognizable deadliest weapons in the world is the Samurai Sword. These swords have been an iconic symbol of Japan for centuries. The basic designs of authentic samurai swords have remained consistent over the centuries. Recently in San Jose, the annual ‘Spirit of Japantown Festival’ was celebrated. Along with other things, the visitors were able to get samurai swords evaluated free of charge as well. An expert from the San Francisco Sword Society was present. The participants were very happy to get the chance of consulting with the experts.

The Japanese ‘tachi’, a precursor to the more popular ‘katana’ first appeared around 600 A.D. The long, curved, one-bladed Katanas are considered as authentic samurai swords. These were developed during the 10th century and were used to carry out surprise attacks on the enemies. The warriors used to wear these swords on their belts, with the bladed side facing upwards. Two other popular shorter samurai swords are the Tanto and Wakizashi. Only the samurai warriors are allowed to carry these swords in pair.

After World War II, the US had banned the productioOne of the recognizable deadliest weapons in the world is the Samurai Sword. These swords have been an iconic symbol of Japan for centuries. The basic designs of authentic samurai swords have remained consistent over the centuries. Recently in San Jose, the annual ‘Spirit of Japantown Festival’ was celebrated. Along with other things, the visitors were able to get samurai swords evaluated free of charge as well. An expert from the San Francisco Sword Society was present. The participants were very happy to get the chance of consulting with the experts.

About the Author: Hey If you want more info, visit

or our blog at


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Medjool Dates The Healthy Natural Dessert And Civilization

Submitted by: Art Freeman

Even though the Medjool date is known as the king of dates, other dates were probably more important. It is a very large and nutritious sweet dessert date. Dates probably allowed Western Civilization to develop. With dates people had a staple food. A date palm does not produce dates year round, but dates can be stored for prolonged periods of time. Dates lose moisture over time and get sweeter, but they can be stored for months and even years. The date not only allowed people to survive, but it allowed people to thrive in the desert. The fruit was so important that we can still find laws talking about dates in the tablets of ancient Sumeria. The date fruit is known as the bread of the desert, because without it people would not have been able to survive. It was a large source of food and following wars it was often used to subjugate conquered people, by limiting or cutting down date palm orchards.

The palm is probably the tree of life mentioned in the Bible. The reason why the palm is known as the tree of life, is because it provides for everything a person needs to live on. The palm is used for building homes, building furniture, utensils, mats, baskets, hats, rope, fuel, food for the animals, and food for humans. People lived from the date palm, there was no waste, it was the tree of life. Even though the date palm was known as the tree of life, it is actually not a tree at all.


In modern days the date palm continues to be a very important source of food. Dates continue to be a staple food of the desert in North African and the Middle East and some governments are aggressively propagating the date palms. It is probably the only fruit tree that can be grown in the desert to produce fruit. People still depend on the date and live from it. A family can live from a date orchard. A date palm orchard can live about 150 years, it is enough to feed two generations. Once the hard work of growing one orchard is done, the following generation will have a stable source of food and can do something else. This may have been how people started to do other things and how civilization started to develop.

Once a year there is a special season called Ramadan, where Islam requires fasting and the fast is often broken by eating dates. A variety of dates is often grown to be consumed for these purposes. This date fruit is one that ripens early and is consumed before it ripens. This date fruit often referred to as the Ramadan date is not fully ripened, but unlike other fruit it is not bitter and it can be eaten. For Ramadan in the United States other dates are consumed, because of their availability. The Medjool date is harvested until around September in California and Arizona. Most US grown dates are not harvested until around September, but Ramadan takes place in August.

The Medjool date is valued for its sweetness and it was once reserved for royalty, now a days you can buy it at most local grocery stores. The date fruit is still expensive, but within everyone’s reach. The date has a lot of carbohydrates, potassium, and cleansing qualities. The fruit is a known as a power food, ounce for ounce it has more nutrients than other foods, especially potassium.

About the Author: Buy

Medjool dates

A sweet and nutritious

date fruit


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The Most Common Cosmetic Surgery Options After Weight Loss

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The Most Common Cosmetic Surgery Options After Weight Loss


Andrea Avery

If you\’ve lost a lot of weight, you may be considering cosmetic surgery as a way to improve the way your body looks and feels. Often, weight gain can cause the skin to stretch out of normal shape. It can sometimes even become so much of a problem that when you begin to lose weight, a great deal of extra skin remains present. No matter how much weight you\’ve lost, you can take some steps to improve the way your body looks and even how it can function. The first step is to meet with a doctor for a formal, personal consultation.

Consider a Full Body Tuck

One of the options for those who have lost a significant amount of weight is a full body tuck. In this type of cosmetic surgery, the doctor will make incisions in various areas of the body where the problem exists and tuck, or pull, the skin so that it is tighter. It may also involve removing skin and tissue from various areas to create a more even, natural layer. This procedure is not meant to be for weight loss, but some people will lose weight after they get rid of those pounds of skin.


Breast Reduction

For those who have extra weight still present in the breasts, it may be necessary to consider a procedure that reduces some of it. Since the breasts may not lose fatty tissue at the same rate as the rest of the body, this may be necessary to create a more proportional body shape. In addition, this type of procedure can also reduce the extra skin and sagging that often occurs in women who have lost a significant amount in this area.

Tummy Tuck

If you are like many others, your problem area was your mid-section. If you\’ve lost weight, you probably have a good deal of fatty tissue and extra skin in this area even still. As a result, you may find it frustrating to wear clothing or to even move around. With cosmetic surgery, it is possible to remove a good deal of that extra material, so your body looks more natural and you can easily move and function as normal. A tummy tuck does this by removing the extra skin and fatty tissues in this area while also repositioning the belly button and improving the muscle structure.

If you have gone through a remarkable journey and you love the way the pounds keep going down, it may be time to think about cosmetic surgery as an opportunity for you to finally get the body you want. It may even be necessary to lose the rest of the weight.

If you\’ve lost some weight but still aren\’t quite satisfied with the way you look, consider scheduling a consultation at an

El Paso cosmetic surgery

clinic. To learn more about your options following significant weight loss, visit the following:


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Things That Change With Breast Augmentation Surgery Or Doesn T Change

Things that change with breast augmentation surgery or doesn t change


James Bose

Things that work for a breast augmentation surgery is that it will most purposively enhance the size, formation and contour of one s breasts, if they are having small or asymmetric breasts, having breast cancer and mastectomy or losing the former firmness of the breasts post pregnancy, child birth and breast feeding and many such situations and life events that claim the perfection of one s breasts can lead to great physical as well as mental dismay in women into what may be regarded as a deformity or deficiency of the body.

What won t work is that it won t change the course of one s life or mindset. Breast Implants does enlarge the size of one s breasts with added fine contouring, but these are artificial devises that need constant checkups and bear complications like rupturing or puncturing of the implants, capsular contracture our of leakage of the gel inside the breast implants. The patient must be prepared to take all the care and instructions given by the surgeon to ensure longevity of the implants and healthier lives.

Breast Augmentation and a relationship


Men date women who had undergone a breast augmentation surgery for the same reason a woman dates a guy with a brick thick wallet. They don t really care for the person; love and respect take a back seat and advantage is the buzzword. But when talking about real time relationship women don t judge by wallet or any other sizes and men don t judge on cup sizes.

So when with consecutive perfect dates and sweet days their beloved spouse encourages a breast augmentation surgery by even offering to pay for it, think the door. However, there can be exceptions to the scene, as this surgery is basically devised to establish purposefully, but this is a huge decision for which soundness of mind is a vital part.

Finding the right surgeon

It is highly advisable to consult with a reputed top notch breast augmentation clinic rather than the overtly marketed popular one. Reputation and popularity are two different things, while reputation is gained by only one tactic, that is, quality, popularity can be garnered with or without quality nowadays. Talk to real past patients of the same clinic, browse the internet for real reviews, and if not found, raise a question on your own. Usually what the right surgeon and right breast augmentation clinic pursues about, it is to this day an expensive affair, and the best should be considered which usually are the highest paid ones. Understand a breast augmentation surgery; consulting a general practitioner might even be ideal to have an overview of the whole idea.

Breast Augmentation Cost

In the modern time, between 2013-2014 breast augmentation cost London is between 3,200 to as high as 15,000. This includes surgeon fees, hospital charges, breast implants, anaesthetics, post-operative mammograms and further maintenance of the same. Insurances rarely cover for this kind of cosmetic surgery, but with breast cancer and mastectomy patients, insurance might be possible and so would fund.

This article is based on patient and surgeon consultations and is assessed from a number of mainstream hospitals and

breast augmentation clinic

. This information is provided mainly for awareness purpose for seeking patients of the same or general people who are in similar condition wondering what to do. For more details contact at

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Get Rid Of Impacted Ear Wax

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  • Dr Ben Paul

By Gracie Roloff

We know that ear wax is little bit annoying when noticed by your seatmate or your friend. However, one thing they do not know is that earwax helps us trap dirt and other tiny insects that will enter inside our ears and prevents them from infecting our ear canals. It will even help us protect our ear gland from very loud noises. Even though we always clean our ears, it will still become visible between one or two days after cleaning. This is normal to people since this is a part of our body system. The common thing that will trigger earwax to become impacted is that when we push too hard the cleaner that we are using and makes it more closer to our outer canal, it will clog the ear canal and will cause us to have difficulty in hearing. If you noticed, some elders are using hearing aids because most of them have impacted earwax. Others have an abnormal ear canal shapes that are also caused by impacted earwax.

How to get rid of it or a remedy that may work


Getting rid of impacted earwax can be done easily at home. The very common thing to use is an olive oil or baby oil. Put a little amount of oil into cotton buds and slowly put it inside your ears to soften your impacted earwax. Do this as often as you can so that your earwax will become soft easily. If you can tolerate pouring an amount of baby oil inside your ear canal, that would be better. The more oil you put inside, the faster your impacted earwax will become softer. Leave it for few minutes then wipe it with clean cloth and use cotton buds for cleaning the inner part of your ears.

If ever doing these basic treatments will not help you, you may go to an ear specialist that can help you clean your ear thoroughly and will help soften your impacted earwax easily. They can even flush your earwax out from your ears. Some of them will advise you to take antibiotics for prevention of infections. Impacted earwax can be prevented somehow. Just make it a habit to always use cotton buds only in cleaning your ears and not those hard objects like paper clips or hair pins because these are dangerous to your ears and will definitely cause impacted earwax.

While you’re going to find that these tips may help reduce the wax itself, you’re going to want to be very careful when it comes down to your ear area. You’re going to want to make sure that you don’t put a Q Tip in too far as it can greatly do damage to your ear drum. You will also find out that there are many over the counter remedies that you’ll want to avoid as well.

Be sure to consult with a Doctor if you’re finding that the problem continues to get worse. They may be able to prescribe something for you that will work.

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impacted ear wax removal

tips, as well as see what’s working for others.


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4 Amazing Information About Moroccan Oil

By Douglas R. Williams

Moroccan natural oil is the wonder essential oil from Morocco which happens to be known as Argan oil. It is actually produced by the Berber females from the kernels of the rare argan fruit tree, which is also presently being protected by UNESCO. Moroccan essential oil has numerous advantages to beauty, wellness, as well as to food preparation.

The Moroccan essential oil has now emerge as a popular essential oil due to its many applications and benefits. A lot of people wonder what argan moroccan oil really is and what it really has that makes it a health and beauty miracle essential oil. Here are a few wonderful information about Moroccan oil worth knowing:

About Moroccan essential oil

Moroccan oil is the renowned argan essential oil loved by many specialists to enhance beauty as well as health and wellness. It is sometimes termed Moroccan essential oil mainly because it originated from Morocco and is also currently being made there. For more than 100 years, it has been produced and used by the Moroccan females, particularly the Berber females, for skin care and wellness purposes. Today, its magic has reached around the globe.

The extraction


Moroccan essential oil is made from the fruit of the Argan tree. The Berber women in Morocco endure the toilsome procedure of extracting the oil from the kernel of the Argan fruit by depulping it and also milling the center. Water is typically mixed to help extract the oil. Nowadays, innovative machines and more productive methods for taking out Argan essential oil are being used by the Berber women with the assistance of several cooperatives and organizations who facilitate the commercial production and marketing of Argan oil. In addition to this development, these companies also support empower the women in Morocco. They offer completely free education to the women who work for them apart from the monetary availability they bring.

The source

The Argan tree, seen only in Morocco, is the source of the astounding Argan oil. For many years, the natives in Morocco have utilized the tree both for the extraction of the Argan oil, as well as for wood-burning purposes. The Berbers also used goats to eat the Argan fruits to make depulping of argan kernels a lot easier. Overgrazing of the goats and the misuse of the Argan tree for wood-burning purposes caused the argan tree to be headed towards extinction. Knowing the worth of Argan essential oil, UNESCO, with the assistance of the local government, allocated a particular region of land for the dissemination of Argan trees and also discouraged the chopping of these plants for wood-burning uses. They also specify a particular time of year when goats may graze the Argan tree, typically when Argan fruits are adequately ready to be collected.

The extensive benefits

Moroccan oil has reached other regions because of its wonderful benefits on hair, nails, skin, health, and for use in food preparation. It contains a significant amount of Vitamin E, important fatty acids, sterol, as well as other substances necessary for skin care and health and wellness promotion.

* Hair. Argan oil is known to make your locks polished without even a heavy greasy feeling. It seals in moisture, helping to keep it healthy and also nourished for an extended length of time as opposed to other hair natural oils. It also defends your hair from damage brought on by exposure to heat and also hair chemical treatments. Hair experts also utilize Argan oil to draw out the color and shine in color-treated hair. Finally, it is known to successfully treat dull hair and scalp, as well as brittle hair.

* Nails. Brittle and fragile nails are also successfully made strong and nourished with frequent use of Moroccan argan essential oil.

* Skin. For a well-nourished skin, specialists recommend argan oil to keep it smooth and moisturized. It is also proven to help eliminate scars, stretch marks, and other skin problems. You can have a younger-looking skin with argan oil by acting as an anti-aging component and by guarding your skin from damaging sun rays which make your skin dry and wrinkled.

* Food preparation. Because of its good aroma, Moroccan oil can also be used as an alternative cooking oil which makes recipes more aromatic and scrumptious. Also, it is utilized as a salad dressing and an alternative for butter.

* Health and wellness. Not only is Moroccan oil perfect for making yourself beautiful but by rubbing it on your skin, it can also help sooth your muscles after an intense activity. It also helps heal arthritis and acts as an anti-inflammatory and also anti-allergic agent that can help minimize soreness.

Nowadays, Moroccan natural oil is also used as an active component in different beauty and hair merchandise. It is not limited to utilize on hair, skin, and nails. Experts have revolutionized the use of this oil to benefit the market extensively for different applications.

About the Author: Written by Douglas R. Williams. To find out more on argan moroccan oil, make sure you visit


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The Pros And Cons Of Breast Augmentation

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The Pros and Cons of Breast Augmentation



Women opt for breast augmentation surgery because of the good results it brings. Breast augmentation is done with implants or via fat transfer. Fat transfer breast augmentation involves transferring the extra fat from other parts of the body to the breasts.


A reliable plastic surgeon is a must for carrying out any kind of plastic surgery. If you have an experienced plastic surgeon providing the surgery, you can surely expect to achieve the desired results.

Medical technology has become very powerful with the introduction of new equipment and techniques. Top plastic surgeons are now capable of making the entire journey of surgery comfortable and smooth for their patients. However, any surgery has its pros and cons. Let us look at some of the pros and cons of breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation Surgery — Pros

  • Women who undergo the surgery achieve more attractive breasts and enjoy enhanced confidence and self-esteem. If you are too conscious about your small breast size, then breast enlargement surgery would be the best option for you. The advantage of undergoing the surgery is largely emotional and psychological.
  • Breast enhancement surgery is provided for women as part of reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. It enables women to have more natural looking, attractive breasts.
  • This is a boon for women who have asymmetrical breasts. Breast surgery can provide more volume and symmetry to the breasts, enhancing the bust line.
  • Fat transfer breast augmentation ensures women more natural looking breasts, and there is no risk of rejection since the patient s own body fat is used for enlarging the breasts.
  • Let s Look at the Cons of the Surgery

  • Scarring: There is the possibility of scarring after a breast enhancement surgery.
  • Breast augmentation surgery can cause some side-effects. It may affect the sensation in the breast or nipple area.
  • Saline implants may rupture in some instances.
  • Anesthesia: Sometimes there may be risks associated with anesthesia, though these are quite rare.
  • Infection: Some women may develop infection after breast augmentation using implants.
  • With the Right Plastic Surgeon There Is No Cause for Concern

    The decision to undergo the breast augmentation procedure is ultimately your own. Schedule a consultation with a board-certified, experienced and skilled plastic surgeon to understand about the procedure as well as the risks involved. A reliable surgeon will explain all the pros and cons of the procedure and advise you on how to prepare for the surgery as well as provide directions that are to be followed post surgery. You are safe with a competent surgeon who is caring and strives to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

    Breast augmentation

    is one of the most requested cosmetic procedures, performed to enhance the size, shape and attractiveness of a woman\’s breasts. For more information, please visit

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